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Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS)
Zahava Raymond

The Huffington Post’s Guide To Boycotting Israel?

The Huffington Post becomes a platform for encouraging its readers to adopt the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israeli goods.

Simon Plosker

The Guardian Gets Beastly Towards Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu announces the building of security fences to keep out “beasts” that threaten Israel. The Guardian’s Peter Beaumont misrepresents who the “beasts” really are.

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Robert Fisk: A Few Words of False History

In The Independent, Robert Fisk writes “a few words of history” concerning Israel – a history that doesn’t fit with the facts.

Yarden Frankl

The Misplaced Focus of The Guardian and New York Times

As of this writing, it has been several hours since Shlomit Krigman, a 24 year old Israeli woman, was murdered by Palestinian terrorists. The headlines in the Guardian and New York Times remain unchanged.

Simon Plosker

Skewed Priorities in The Times

The Times of London’s Greg Carlstrom ignores the Palestinian terrorist murder of Dafna Meir in favor of a story on Israeli price fixing of school trips to Poland.

Simon Plosker

Palestinian Terrorism No Longer Deemed Newsworthy?

The brutal stabbing of Israeli mother Dafna Meir, in her home in Otniel, fails to generate much media coverage. Just how bloodthirsty does a Palestinian terror attack against Israelis have to be to deserve coverage?

Simon Plosker

Hamas Democrats and Israeli Dolphin Spies

The International Business Times inaccurately states that Hamas took over Gaza through democratic means and states the Hamas capture of an Israeli spy dolphin as fact.

Mein Kampf Israel
Simon Plosker

Mein Kampf Used to Assault Israel

A Guardian opinion piece implies that Israeli Jews are spreading racist hatred having failed to learn the lessons of Nazism and Mein Kampf.

News Critiques

How The Guardian’s Framing Frames Israel

Just how far will The Guardian go in order to promote its anti-Israel agenda by making changes to the Associated Press’s original content?

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

Daily Mail Corrects “Settlement” Error

The Daily Mail’s Mail Online incorrectly states that terrorist Samir Kuntar murdered Israelis “in a settlement.” HonestReporting gets the correction.

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