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More Iranian Lies

Press TV, the government funded propaganda arm of the Iranian regime long ceased to be

AP Imposing Peace on Israel?

Israel fears Obama wants to impose peace. Unfortunately, AP's lead sentence legitimizes that imposition: Israel's

AP’s Headline Disconnect

There’s a fascinating disconnect between this AP headline and article. The headline? Arab League in


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but even op-eds have to be no less factually accurate

Targeted Killings On Target

YNetNews reports that the Israeli Air Force has managed to reduce incidents of collateral fatalities

Sassygate returns

According to Tom Gross, Dilpazier Aslam, a former trainee-journalist, is suing The Guardian at an

New additions to lexicon

The NY Times’ Steve Erlanger introduces two new Arabic words to the lexicon of Mideast

Competing BBC Buttons

While reporter Andrew Gilligan has quit and the entire BBC Board of Directors offered the

Red Alert
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