US Fund for UNICEF has an immunization campaign for Palestinian children. They issued a press release today to publicize the campaign, taking the opportunity to criticize Israel’s tight control over Palestinian medical vehicles:
“The incidence of vaccine preventable diseases has been under control until now and immunization coverage is beyond 90 percent — among the highest in the region,” said Peter Hansen, UNRWA’s Commissioner-General. “But curfews and closures are creating huge access problems both for Palestinian health professionals trying to get to their centers and Palestinian parents trying to get their children to clinics. In this environment, I fear a measles outbreak could become a major threat affecting not only Palestinian children, but all children in the area.”
UNICEF, UNWRA, WHO and OCHA called upon the Israeli Authorities to abide by its obligations under international Humanitarian Law as well by its obligations to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child — ratified in 1991. The UN bodies call for safe, timely and easy access of health professionals to their centers, parents to health clinics and all needed and relevant supplies to allow the smooth functioning of this very important campaign.
No mention from Hansen or UNICEF of how those Palestinian health professionals have recently had their UN ‘medical’ vehicles used as cover for armed terrorists — perhaps that contributes to Israel’s reluctance to grant medical vehicles a free pass? And the various organizations are not apparently concerned with the PA’snon-compliance with ‘international Humanitarian Law,’ as Palestinian children are continually encouraged in PA-controlled media to become ‘martyrs for Allah’ via suicide terror.
Perhaps the supporters of US fund for UNICEF should be aware of the greatest threat to Palestinian children’s health — their own, irresponsible ruling class.
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