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Would Israeli Response Fuel W&M Sales?

Does responding to Walt and Mearsheimer play into their hands and only fuel sales? According to the Jerusalem Post, that’s how Israel and AIPAC are explaining their decision to keep mum on the soon-to-be-released book:…

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Flags2Does responding to Walt and Mearsheimer play into their hands and only fuel sales? According to the Jerusalem Post, that’s how Israel and AIPAC are explaining their decision to keep mum on the soon-to-be-released book:

“Firing back would just promote the book,” Ayalon said. “What needs to be done is to make sure there are other books, and to ensure that what students studying on campus is objective.”

Perhaps that’s a reasonable, polite response, given that Israel and AIPAC are the focus of the W&M’s book.

But does this logic also apply to the blogosphere?

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