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Australian ABC News Headline Fail

Australia’s ABC News frequently publishes articles from Reuters.  When it does, it retains editorial control to change things like headlines and pictures. But often, one wonders why ABC News would do so. On Monday, there…

Reading time: 2 minutes

Australia’s ABC News frequently publishes articles from Reuters.  When it does, it retains editorial control to change things like headlines and pictures.

But often, one wonders why ABC News would do so.

On Monday, there were two terror attacks near Hebron. In the first attack, two Palestinians rammed their car into a hitchhiking stop near Kiryat Arba, then exited the vehicle and opened fire. Both were killed when soldiers returned fire. Minutes later, a Palestinian rammed his car into the same location. He was shot and killed by soldiers as he emerged from his car.

Writing about the incident, the original Reuters article used the following, factual headline:




Yet when ABC published the article, it felt the need to change the headline to:


ABC News


The original headline contains both relevant facts: Palestinians attacked Israelis and were then shot dead. Why would ABC only want to highlight to its readers the facts that the Palestinians were killed? In fact, without mentioning the attack, the headline implies that innocent Palestinians, minding their own business was shot dead.

Is this what ABC wants its viewers to know?

You can contact ABC here to express your views.



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