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News Critiques

CNN: One Year Analysis

Bias is creeping back at CNN as HonestReporting reviews one year of coverage.

News Critiques

Looking Local

The smaller media needs watching as well.

News Critiques

Lights On, Nobody Home

The media leaves the false impression that Israel has completely cut Gaza’s electricity.

News Critiques

Failure to Disclose

How can a journalist “forget” his interviewee’s position at the head of an anti-Israel NGO?

News Critiques

The Independent’s Foul Play

Criticism of a UK Foreign Office decision turns into an excuse for hateful Israel bashing.

News Critiques

Gaza ‘Under Siege’?

Is the Gaza Strip really under siege or is the reality quite different?

News Critiques

Cartoons and Conspiracies

A poisonous pen scribbles in South Africa while an old canard resurfaces in Australia.

Red Alert
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