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Los Angeles Times

News Critiques

Lights On, Nobody Home

The media leaves the false impression that Israel has completely cut Gaza’s electricity.

News Critiques

A Barrage of Bad Reporting

Many media outlets fail to add significant context to a day of violence.

News Critiques

Bad News From the Netherlands

A project sets out to prove that any country can be made to look like a pariah.

News Critiques

The Israel Lobby is Coming to Town

US professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s paper “The Israel Lobby” first received an airing

News Critiques

FIFA and AP Show Bias

The AP should point out FIFA's bias, not simply reinforce it.

Distorting Israeli Arab Reality

AFP, LA Times and Christian Science Monitor misrepresent Israeli policy toward its minority Arab citizens

Post-Oslo Myths

Anti-Israel ideologues rewrite history and deny the fundamental challenges facing the region.

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