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Israeli Wonk Forced to Fisk His Own ‘Interview’

After recently releasing an update to his 2008 book about Scandinavian anti-Semitism, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld was "interviewed" by Norwegian state radio, NRK. I put the word interview in quote marks, because NRK's Mideast reporter, Sidsel…

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Manfred_gerstenfeldAfter recently releasing an update to his 2008 book about Scandinavian anti-Semitism, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld was "interviewed" by Norwegian state radio, NRK.

I put the word interview in quote marks, because NRK's Mideast reporter, Sidsel Wold didn't really "interview" Gerstenfeld. "Harangue" would be a more appropriate verb. In a three minute piece, Gerstenfeld only spoke for 20 seconds before being cut off by Wold.

Wold went on to answer her own questions and describe Gerstenfeld's views in her own words. She concluded the broadcast with a tangent, that to me supports Gerstenfeld's thesis. She said:

Under the Netanyahu government, a wind of McCarthyism is blowing over Israel. All Jews or Israelis who do not agree with Netanyahus government are branded “self-hating Jews”. If the critic is not Jewish, yes, then they are branded as antisemites. A simple tactic to stop all undesired political debate.

Norway, Israel and the Jews blog has a transcript of the broadcast. Gerstenfeld was left with the unusual task of fisking his own interview in an email to Wold obtained by Tundra Tabloids.

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