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Top 5 Israel Groups On Facebook

Ranked in order of most new members in past five days: Israelis Who Expect to Be Named As Suspects in the Dubai Killing My Son Became a Mossad Informant and Converted 1 Million Israeli Soldiers…

Reading time: < 1 minutes

Join-facebook-group-icon Ranked in order of most new members in past five days:

  1. Israelis Who Expect to Be Named As Suspects in the Dubai Killing

  2. My Son Became a Mossad Informant and Converted

  3. 1 Million Israeli Soldiers Who Want to Turn IDF Tanks Into Electric Powered Vehicles

  4. Mullahs Next Door Are Keeping Me Up At Night With Noisy Centrifuges

  5. I Was Arrested For War Crimes in the UK

Smiley Happy Purim to all our readers.

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