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The Sins of the Fathers

A Palestinian group wants to hold the British government responsible for the “Naqba.” An official from Watanuna Palestinian Youth told the Jerusalem Post: He said the decision to go after the UK government came after…

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Flag_palestine_mandate_3A Palestinian group wants to hold the British government responsible for the “Naqba.” An official from Watanuna Palestinian Youth told the Jerusalem Post:

He said the decision to go after the UK government came after a thorough study of all the legal aspects related to Britain’s responsibility for the Palestinians’ “nakba” (catastrophe), the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

“We hold Britain responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people over the past 60 years,” Ubeidat said. “It’s time for Britain to bear the moral and political responsibility for this suffering. The British people should be among the first to support the rights of the Palestinians.”

Yes, the British made plenty of mistakes in the Mideast. But if this silly legal action gains any traction, consider the following:

• Israel is off the hook for any claims of Palestinian “right of return.” The refugees become Britain’s responsibility headache.

• Britain would head off this action by dusting off the argument that Transjordan, now the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, was and is the intended Palestinian state.

If the Palestinians want to start assessing blame for their catastrophe, they would do well to first look at their contributions to their self-made failure.

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