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Hamas Coordinating Events With Al-Jazeera?

That’s what Calev Ben-David wonders: Indeed, so ready was Al-Jazeera with live coverage of candle-bearing Palestinian children and immediate reaction from across the Arab world, that Israeli officials said Tuesday they strongly suspect the Arab…

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CandlesThat’s what Calev Ben-David wonders:

Indeed, so ready was Al-Jazeera with live coverage of candle-bearing Palestinian children and immediate reaction from across the Arab world, that Israeli officials said Tuesday they strongly suspect the Arab news network had coordinated its coverage in advance with the Hamas leadership.

“They were so prepared, it’s hard to believe they didn’t know this was going to happen,” said the official. “Although it’s already dark in Gaza by 6 p.m., they waited two hours to shut their generator down so that the lights going out in Gaza could be carried live on Al-Jazeeera during prime-time viewing.”

The charge of pre-coordination was strongly denied by Al-Jazeera bureau chief Walied al-Omary.

Who would suspect Al-Jazeera of having an agenda with Israel?

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