In today’s Jerusalem Post, Shelly Paz discussed with experts the MSM’s wisdom of broadcasting the latest Alan Johnston video and Gilad Shalit audio:
Ben-Zedeff believes that the reporters and especially the editors of the world’s mainstream media have to filter the news items they decide to publish more thoroughly to change this reality.
“When Osama Bin-Laden sent his tape to the media, a few days after his organization attacked the Twin Towers in New York, the American communications media reported on the tape but didn’t use the footage. By taking this decision, they didn’t let Bin-Laden achieve what he hoped to achieve. This model has to be implemented here as well.”
Prof. Tamar Liebes, head of the Communications faculty at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, cited the competition between the media as well as increased globalization. These factors led to the reality that terrorists are now covered and treated in the mainstream media as legitimate “movie stars.”
The same criticism applies to the bloggers (including Backspin, which embedded the Johnston video and linked to the Shalit audio). Did we play into the terrorists’ hands?