Lee Harris ‘dissects the cant surrounding Palestinian terror’:
Samuel Johnson once remarked, in a moment of irritation, “I will have no cant in defense of savagery.” Well, if he had lived today, he would have had to put up with something even worse than cant in defense of savagery, and that is cant in defense of terrorism. But what would have been guaranteed to push him beyond the limits of his patience would have been the Western school of cant that, for over a half century, has been employed to defend and apologize for one particularly brutal, pointless, and politically self-defeating forms of terrorism: Palestinian terrorism.
In this long and very good article, Harris debunks the three ‘stock phrases that usually spring to the lips of those who are engaged in the process of defending or apologizing for Palestinian terrorism. They are: (1) The “cycle of violence”, (2) The “legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people”, and (3) The “Zionist occupation”.’ Read it here.