See the Wall Street Journal where Professor David Bernstein wonders why Israel is the only country condemned for basing citizenship on ethnic descent:
… the more interesting question is why the question of basing citizenship (in part) of ethnic descent only calls the right of Israel to exist into question.
My correspondent was unaware of any other countries that have an overt ethnic identity, but, judging by immigration laws, there are quite a few, and with a few exceptions (Armenia and Germany), their discriminatory immigration policies exist, unlike Israel’s, without any justification resulting from persecution of that group.
For example, according to Wikipedia: “Japanese citizenship is conferred jus sanguinis, and monolingual Japanese-speaking minorities often reside in Japan for generations under permanent residency status without acquiring citizenship in their country of birth.” Why does Japan have the right to exist as a Japanese state? Has this question ever been asked?
(Hat tip: Daily Alert)