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Yarden Frankl

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Yarden Frankl

Yarden Frankl

PLO Stats and New York Times Hacks

It is part of a larger wave of biased reporting that sees “The Return of Casualty Figures as a Moral Barometer.” In other words, the simple belief that the side with the greater number of casualties is necessarily the side with the greater moral claim.

Yarden Frankl

Video: The Media and the Terror War

Jerusalem and all of Israel face a wave of deadly terrorist attacks. Yet many in the media publish misleading headlines that highlight Israel’s reaction to terror, not the attacks.

Yarden Frankl

The Ripple Effect of Media Bias

The way news spreads through the Internet guarantees that once a major publication publishes an error, no correction will be able to stop it from spreading. The Irish Times has now published the original New York Times story without the correction. And odds are against them being the only ones to do so.

Yarden Frankl

It’s Terrorism, But Not an Intifada

While the desire to kill as many Jews as possible is still there, years of Israeli intelligence and military operations have removed the Palestinians’ ability to plan sophisticated deadly attacks from safe areas. They no longer have the ability to hold all of Israeli society hostage.

Yarden Frankl

Newsweek’s Housing Crisis

It has now been publicly unveiled that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will have a

Yarden Frankl

Two Tales of One City

The situation in Gaza is indeed complex and there are many sources for the problems there. But the media have an obligation to try and show all facets of life lest readers believe that the images they are seeing represent the entire area.

Yarden Frankl

A Proper Headline

We have documented many cases of the media, especially the New York Times, using headlines that make Israeli military responses look like unprovoked aggression. Whether Israel is responding to terrorism or rocket fire, the response usually gets the coverage that it absent on the initial act. Our presentation, It All Started When Israel Fired Back, is as valid today as when we first published it 3 years ago.

Yarden Frankl

Radio: Cecil the Lion and Saeb Erekat

Yarden discusses the attacks on participants in the Jerusalem Pride and Tolerance March and an Arab family. Are these the acts of a select few or the product of a “culture of hate?”

Recent Features
Yarden Frankl

Video: Offensive, Misleading NYT Op-Ed

An Op-Ed in the New York Times claims that Israelis don’t care about the brutal murders of an eighteen month old Palestinian baby and a 16 year old Israeli girl.


Yarden Frankl

Stop the Hate

The horrendous murders of one year old Ali Dawabsha and 16 year old Shira Banki were committed by individuals who do not represent Israel in any way. They are terrorist crimes, no less than others that Israel has unfortunately experienced throughout its history.

Yarden Frankl

The Jewish Reporter Takes the Train

A BBC reporter cited his Jewish credentials when presenting a slanted documentary on the Jerusalem light rail, claiming it is a racist train that divides the city.

Yarden Frankl

Join Our Complaint to the BBC

We will be filing a complaint with the BBC about these inaccurate remarks. You can join the complain by clicking here. The more people who sign on, the more weight our complaint will carry.

Yarden Frankl

Video: BBC Denies Iranian Threat to Israel

The BBC says Iran no longer poses a threat to Israel. Millions of Iranians chanted “death to Israel” a few days ago. Who should we believe?

Yarden Frankl

Trumping Israel’s Security Barrier

The graphic accompanying the July 19 article (“Building Trump’s border wall not exactly “easy” experts say” claims that Israel’s separation barrier is made of prefabricated concrete sections interspersed with watch towers. In fact, only 64% of the barrier has been constructed to date and of the completed portion, 90% is made up of chain-link fencing. The drawing implies that the entire route resembles a prison wall and is misleading and inaccurate.

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