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Dura Trial Just Got Interesting

The judge hearing Philippe Karsenty’s appeal wants to see France 2 TV’s unreleased raw footage filmed the day Mohammed Dura was “shot.” Nidra Poller of Pajamas Media writes: Appelate Court Presiding judge Laurence Trébucq has…

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France2The judge hearing Philippe Karsenty’s appeal wants to see France 2 TV’s unreleased raw footage filmed the day Mohammed Dura was “shot.” Nidra Poller of Pajamas Media writes:

Appelate Court Presiding judge Laurence Trébucq has demanded that France 2 hand over the 27-minutes of raw footage shot on the afternoon of September 30, 2000 by Talal Abu Rahmeh. France 2 lawyer Maïtre Bénédicte Amblard tried to convince the judge that the request was not appropriate, relevant, necessary or even advisable. But the judge wants to see the outtakes with her own eyes. This is the first time the French court has made such a demand that would be normal in the US system. The court will now be able to determine if the Al Dura shooting and tape was a fake, as many have alleged.

Maître Amblard was not able to reach her clients to confirm availability of the footage. Today’s hearing was adjourned. The next hearing is scheduled on November 14th… to view the raw footage.

Related reading: Joel Mowbray calls for the raw footage to be made public.

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