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Hudna Hoodwink

The NY Times gave op-ed space to one of Ismail Haniyeh’s advisors trying to peddle a hudna. Ahmed Yousef writes: I would argue, however, that this concept is not as foreign as it might seem….

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NytThe NY Times gave op-ed space to one of Ismail Haniyeh’s advisors trying to peddle a hudna. Ahmed Yousef writes:

I would argue, however, that this concept is not as foreign as it might seem. After all, the Irish Republican Army agreed to halt its military struggle to free Northern Ireland from British rule without recognizing British sovereignty. Irish Republicans continue to aspire to a united Ireland free of British rule, but rely upon peaceful methods. Had the I.R.A. been forced to renounce its vision of reuniting Ireland before negotiations could occur, peace would never have prevailed. Why should more be demanded of the Palestinians, particularly when the spirit of our people will never permit it?

When Hamas gives its word to an international agreement, it does so in the name of God and will therefore keep its word. Hamas has honored its previous cease-fires, as Israelis grudgingly note with the oft-heard words, “At least with Hamas they mean what they say.”

This offer of hudna is no ruse, as some assert, to strengthen our military machine, to buy time to organize better or to consolidate our hold on the Palestinian Authority. Indeed, faith-based political movements in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, Turkey and Yemen have used hudna-like strategies to avoid expanding conflict. Hamas will conduct itself just as wisely and honorably.

The Guardian reports that Yousef is stumping for the hudna in the UK as well. His sales pitch doesn’t mention the Hamas covenant, which explicitly calls for Israel’s destruction. Even the IRA wasn’t interested in destroying Britain.

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