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Idiot’s Guide To Navigating BBC Complaints

We’ve heard from quite a few readers in recent days that the BBC Complaints website is difficult to navigate and not the most user-friendly process. Unfortunately, the Beeb discontinued direct e-mails sometime ago. Nonetheless, here…

Reading time: 2 minutes

Maze_3We’ve heard from quite a few readers in recent days that the BBC Complaints website is difficult to navigate and not the most user-friendly process. Unfortunately, the Beeb discontinued direct e-mails sometime ago.

Nonetheless, here are a few simple steps to navigating your way through the BBC Complaints process:

1. Go to the BBC Complaints site – http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints – and select “Make a complaint”, located on the left of the screen.

2. Select the “make a complaint” option and click Next and then select the type of BBC content you wish to complain about (TV, radio or website). Click Next.

3. Depending on the type of content, enter either the web address or the name and date of transmission. (Articles on the BBC’s web site include the date.) Enter your feedback, remembering to be courteous and ask for a reply. Click Next.

4. Fill in your personal details. Contrary to popular misconception, you do not have to be a UK resident to make a complaint. Simply fill in your name, e-mail address and country of residence and click Next.

5. You will then be given the option of reviewing your complaint before submitting it to the BBC.

Click here for more information on how the BBC reviews its complaints. While it may be slightly more complicated than a simple e-mail, please make that extra effort to hold the BBC to account. Coverage of the Mideast is only one area where the publicly-funded BBC has been held up to scrutiny; we cannot afford to relinquish the pressure.

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