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The people who moderate comments on BBC web sites are at it again. The Daily Mail explains the latest controversy at BBC Radio 5: The BBC has been forced to remove statements from its website…

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The people who moderate comments on BBC web sites are at it again. The Daily Mail explains the latest controversy at BBC Radio 5:

The BBC has been forced to remove statements from its website referring to Jesus as a ‘bastard’. . . .

The remarks have been allowed to remain for weeks, despite complaints from religious groups.

The Useful Idiot did a screen capture before the comment was taken down:


The Daily Mail further explains:

The comments were allowed to remain for a week despite complaints. But after The Mail on Sunday contacted senior BBC officials, they were deleted.

Colonelartist is a regular contributor to the BBC site.

He has also written: “The jews in much remembered concentration camps had even better qualitity of freedom that these palestinians have…’ . . . .

One website user wanted to see if BBC editors were allowing these offensive remarks to remain while blocking others. He wrote: “No one can surpass the Muslims for denial of their role in Terrorism and Suicide bombing.” The remarks were almost immediately deleted.

If a comment says anything offensive about Judaism and now Christianity, BBC moderators couldn’t possibly care less. Why is the Beeb only worried about Islamic sensibiliites?

Related reading: Your License Fee At Work

UPDATE: Aug. 20: And here’s another example of BBC pandering to Islam.

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