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Lahav Harkov

Biography Lahav Harkov, the Senior Knesset reporter for The Jerusalem Post, has interviewed major figures across the Israeli political spectrum and has the inside scoop on the country’s top lawmakers. Lahav is often invited to lecture on Israeli government…

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Lahav Harkov, the Senior Knesset reporter for The Jerusalem Post, has interviewed major figures across the Israeli political spectrum and has the inside scoop on the country’s top lawmakers. Lahav is often invited to lecture on Israeli government and politics in Israel and abroad. International news outlets, such as the BBC, France 24, CTV, Sky News, and Sun News Network have sought her insight and analysis about breaking news. She has published articles in Commentary, The Tower, The Jewish Week and the Hebrew-language newspaper Makor Rishon, as well as Jewish culture website Jewcy.

Lahav grew up in New Jersey, making aliyah at age 17, doing two years of National Service (Sherut Leumi) at museums dealing with Jewish and Israeli history. She has a degree in Political Science and Communications from Bar-Ilan University, and lives in Tel Aviv with her husband.

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