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New Mufti Approves Of Suicide Attacks

The new Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told The Media Line that acts of terror, including suicide attacks, are legitimate resistance against Israel. Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein (pictured), till now considered a moderate, was appointed to…

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Sheikh_husseinThe new Grand Mufti of Jerusalem told The Media Line that acts of terror, including suicide attacks, are legitimate resistance against Israel. Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein (pictured), till now considered a moderate, was appointed to the position by Mahmoud Abbas. Watch the interview:

“It is the Palestinian people’s right to engage in resistance until the occupation ends. As long as the resistance is legitimate, everything related to it is also legitimate.”

Asked to express his view with regard to suicide bombing, the mufti answered: “It is legitimate, of course, as long as it plays a role in the resistance.”

Abbas dismissed the previous mufti in July, Sheikh Ikrema Sabri, because his views were closer to Hamas. The MSM showed limited interest in Sabri’s provocative sermons. What kind of scrutiny will Western news services give Hussein?

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