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Press TV on Media Bias

Yesterday, HonestReporting received an email from Press TV. The Iranian news service, whose English language studios are based in London, is scheduling a show titled, “Western Media: Friend or Foe of Israel?” The Press TV…

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PresstvYesterday, HonestReporting received an email from Press TV. The Iranian news service, whose English language studios are based in London, is scheduling a show titled, “Western Media: Friend or Foe of Israel?”

The Press TV staffer described a show with four panelists and hosted by MP Jeremy Corbyn in front of a studio audience. Would HonestReporting recommend anyone for the panel?

We’re flattered that Press TV seeks our advice. But we also know what any guest would be in for a panel stacked against Israel and a hostile audience. Choosing Corbyn as host also sheds light on Press TV’s agenda. The MP is on the left-wing fringe of the Labour Party and a vocal critic of Israel.

This is the same news service that published Nicholas Kollerstrom’s outrageous piece of Holocaust denial, The Walls of Auschwitz: A Review of the Chemical Studies and frequently features Lady Michelle Renouf, a neo-Nazi and supporter of David Irving. (See Renouf in her own words.)

Here’s HonestReporting’s reply to Press TV. Out of respect for the privacy of the staffer — who we don’t have a beef with — I’m omitting his info.

From: Simon Plosker

Sent: Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:27 AM


Subject: RE: Israel Media Advice

Even if I were to ignore the Iranian regime’s support for terrorism and genocidal intentions towards Israel, where I live, I’m afraid that I cannot, in good conscience, offer any advice or assistance to a TV station that knowingly promotes Holocaust denial (http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=56287&sectionid=3510303) as well as giving a platform to known neo-Nazis such as “Lady” Renouf. (http://www.tellingfilms.co.uk/birobidjan.htm)

Best regards,

Simon Plosker
Managing Editor, HonestReporting UK

Holocaust denial is perfectly legal in the UK, which might help explain why Press TV set up shop in London.

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