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Rebranding and Renaming iSrael

The Knesset approved a bill changing the name of the Jewish state from Israel to iSrael, effective immediately. "We learned from the iPad, iPhone and iTouch that the lower case "i" is great branding," said…

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The Knesset approved a bill changing the name of the Jewish state from Israel to iSrael, effective immediately.

"We learned from the iPad, iPhone and iTouch that the lower case "i" is great branding," said Avital Leibovich of the iDF Spokesman's dept. "It conveys a high tech image we can tap into since it's also the first letter of our country's name." 

She, along with a representative from the iEmbassy in London, blogger Aussie Dave of iSraellyCool, and Jeffrey Halper of iCAHD, were invited by iBA radio to discuss the effects of the name change.

Not everyone was happy with the move though. "We'll have to change all our stationary," griped one AiPAC official speaking on condition of anonymity.

Smiley Happy Purim to all our readers.

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