The ISM blames Israeli “electronic piracy” for communication problems aboard the “Free Gaza” and “The Liberty.” Israel denies jamming the boats’ communication.
Here’s my Top 10 List of Reasons for the ISM Communications Failure:
10. Hezbollah was testing its latest Iranian hardware on the hapless ISM.
9. Things got out of hand when Yvonne Ridley showed Zohan the Mighty some cool Russian jammers.
8. Dutch UNIFIL ships watching the water polo matches in Beijing.
6. Lauren Booth’s electronic gear raised suspicions when she let slip that one of her best friends is an Israeli named Meir Dagan.
5. The BBC broadcasts from the Mideast with really strong signals.
4. Jeff Halper took drastic action when European activists wasted too much band-width watching Michael Phelps.
3. For what its worth, Palestinian activists across Canada are finding their garage doors jammed too.
2. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s motorcade happened to be in Gaza the exact moment communication failed.
1. A mysterious albino from the Vatican on board.