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Seven Years Later, Nothing Changed

On the seventh anniversary of Daniel Pearl's murder, the Wall St. Journal reporter's father, Professor Judea Pearl argues — fittingly, in the WSJ — that the excusing away of terror hasn't changed. But somehow, barbarism,…

Reading time: 2 minutes

Daniel_pearl On the seventh anniversary of Daniel Pearl's murder, the Wall St. Journal reporter's father, Professor Judea Pearl argues — fittingly, in the WSJ — that the excusing away of terror hasn't changed.

But somehow, barbarism, often cloaked in the language of "resistance," has gained acceptance in the most elite circles of our society. The words "war on terror" cannot be uttered today without fear of offense. Civilized society, so it seems, is so numbed by violence that it has lost its gift to be disgusted by evil . . . .

The media have played a major role in handing terrorism this victory of acceptability. Qatari-based Al Jazeera television, for example, is still providing Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi hours of free air time each week to spew his hateful interpretation of the Koran, authorize suicide bombing, and call for jihad against Jews and Americans.

 Then came the August 2008 birthday of Samir Kuntar, the unrepentant killer who, in 1979, smashed the head of a four-year-old Israeli girl with his rifle after killing her father before her eyes. Al Jazeera elevated Kuntar to heroic heights with orchestras, fireworks and sword dances, presenting him to 50 million viewers as Arab society's role model. No mainstream Western media outlet dared to expose Al Jazeera efforts to warp its young viewers into the likes of Kuntar. Al Jazeera's management continues to receive royal treatment in all major press clubs.

Professor Pearl also wonders what his son would think of Gilad Shalit "spending his 950th day of captivity with no Red Cross visitation while world leaders seriously debate whether his kidnappers deserve international recognition."

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