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anti-Israel media bias

Daniel Pomerantz

Herald Scotland Supports Violent “Human Rights Worker” Because…Israel.

The Herald Scotland claimed that “human rights worker” Margaret Pacetta was detained by Israeli authorities at the airport. But she is actually an activist engaged in violent acts that endanger Israeli lives. The only question is, why did it take Israel so long to finally deport her?

News Critiques
Daniel Pomerantz

Setups, Lies & Videotape

“Italian journalist” Michele Monni was actually working for the Lebanese terror group, Hezbollah.

Daniel Pomerantz

Terrorists Are NOT Victims

Turning terrorists into victims, and victims into attackers, serves to encourage and embolden would-be terrorists everywhere.

Daniel Pomerantz

New York Times Almost Gets It Right

New York Times fails to mention that a Palestinian woman charged by Israel happens to belong to a terrorist organization.

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