
With your support we continue to ensure media accuracy


Yarden Frankl

When Breaking News is Broken

Two Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists at the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. This fact should not be difficult to sum up in a headline.

Yarden Frankl


When you contact the media about something that is inaccurate, often they will respond and make the needed corrections.

Simon Plosker

CNN Erases Israel From the Map

CNN illustrates the Middle East with a map that erases Israel, instead replacing it with “Palestina,” a Spanish or Portuguese translation of Palestine.

Simon Plosker

CNN’s Anonymous Terrorist

CNN reports on a terrorist incident but fails to tell its readers who the seemingly anonymous terrorist was.

Yarden Frankl

CNN’s New Terror: “Other-Handism”

The media have an obligation to not only report what people are saying, but what is really happening on the ground. If one side is saying things that have no basis in fact, the media needs to expose this, not simply say “it depends who you ask,” or “on the other hand…..”

Israel Daily News Stream
Alex Margolin

Two Killed in Beersheba Terror Attack

Today’s Top Stories 1. Deadly terror strikes Beersheba central bus station. An Israeli Bedouin armed

Simon Plosker

CNN: Joseph’s Tomb “Catches Fire”

CNN’s headline stated that Jewish holy site Joseph’s Tomb simply “caught fire” even though it was torched by a Palestinian mob.


The Disappearing Ongoing Terror Wave

A week into the ongoing Palestinian wave of terror, it has become nearly impossible to learn from major news sources outside Israel, what is going on there.

Yarden Frankl

NYT or CNN: Which is Worse?

The New York Times headlines the story about a Palestinian terrorist killed by Israeli soldiers he attacked in such a way as to indicate he was killed for no reason, and runs an accompanying photo of his weeping family

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