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Jenin Lies

As the UN pressures for an investigation, the media is filled with Palestinian contradictions and lies.

From the Post to the Coast

The Washington Post presents suicide bombing as a legitimate tactic. Plus updates on Jenin and the Church of Nativity.

Broadcasting the Big Lie

In the face of documented facts, CNN and other media allow Palestinian spokesmen to fabricate lies.

Misreporting Terror

Is your local media exposing how Arafat's organization funds, trains, equips and sends suicide bombers?

The Washington Post Bias Duo

Daniel Williams and Lee Hockstader appear to be competing for the title of M.B.R – Most Biased Reporter.

Spin at The Times

Between Arafat's op-ed, and Sontag's portrayal of Hamas as Mr. Rogers, it would have been enough.

She’s No Saint

The New York Times says she 'adored children.' But a female suicide bomber didn

Speech Defect

When Arafat calls for an end to armed attacks, the various Palestinian factions continue attacking unabated.

BBC Misses the Boat

Israel strikes back at terrorists, and BBC portrays them as innocent bystanders.

Media Six-Pack

Robert Fisk is nearly beaten to death, plus 5 more snippets from a busy week of political and military activity.

Truth versus Terror

With suicide attacks plaguing Israel, it is more important than ever that the media get its facts straight.

Reuters’ Overshadowing Bias

When Palestinian gunmen machine-gun Jewish shoppers in Afula, Reuters lumps the attackers' deaths together with the victims.

Fawning Over Barghouti

The violent Tanzim leader is portrayed by Associated Press as a jovial family man.

Eyeless in Gaza

When Harper's publishes vile anti-Israel filth, the PR community calls upon HonestReporting to respond.

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