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No Quarter To Terrorists

The world jumps on Israel for its campaign to eliminate the Hamas terrorist threat. What alternative option would they recommend pursuing?

Trifecta Awards

The tide may be turning, as more reporters take the bold step of reporting the unadulterated facts.

Newsweek’s Hammer-Blow

Newsweek's Jerusalem bureau chief Joshua Hammer seems to be bending over backward to whitewash Palestinian violence and intimidation.

Times of London

After months of criticizing the BBC and the Guardian for so much negativity coming out of the British media, here's a piece of good news for a change.

Blockade of Terror

In a classic case of imbalanced reporting, media reports pour in about the blockade of Palestinian towns — but nothing about the blockade imposed on Israelis.

BBC’s Double Standard

When HonestReporting questioned the use of the terms "terrorists" and "militants," the BBC admitted to applying an arbitrary double-standard.

Lending Legitimacy to Terror

CNN offers its readers links to the blood-stained websites of Hamas and Hizbollah. HonestReporting questions why.

Red Alert
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