SUCCESS: “Tel Aviv’s Iron Dome” Shot Down in Daily Mail
The Daily Mail’s Mail Online corrects a headline that referred to “Tel Aviv’s Iron Dome” in a story on an ISIS rocket attack on Eilat.
The Daily Mail’s Mail Online corrects a headline that referred to “Tel Aviv’s Iron Dome” in a story on an ISIS rocket attack on Eilat.
The supposedly credible Cambridge Dictionary’s online version incorrectly states that Tel Aviv is an example of a Middle Eastern capital city.
Is The Guardian mislabeling Israel’s capital when it refers to “Washington and Tel Aviv?”
Success as the Sydney Morning Herald corrects its Tel Aviv error following an HonestReporting complaint to the Australian Press Council.
The Daily Telegraph erroneously states that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital. HonestReporting gets the correction.
The New York Times’ new bureau chief Ian Fisher displays a disturbing lack of nuance when reporting on the issue of settlements.
The Globe and Mail entirely ignores Jewish history in order to falsely paint Israel, and the Jewish people, as strangers in their own homeland.
Help us to get the Sydney Morning Herald to correct a Tel Aviv capital error after its refusal to make the change.
Le Parisien a publié hier soir un article au sujet des “conclusions” de la Conférence pour la
Quando agências de notícia resolvem contar a história para o público, nós temos um problema. Porque
VICTOIRE ! Le Parisien a corrigé son article au sujet des conclusions de la conférence
A Reuters report falsely implies that Tel Aviv is Israel’s center of power and government, an error republished by multiple media outlets.
Despite the fact that there has never ever been a sovereign Palestinian state, the Daily Mail refers to the “State of Palestine.” HonestReporting gets the correction.
The Associated Press mistakenly implies that Tel Aviv is Israel’s center of power and government. HonestReporting gets the correction.
The Guardian implies that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital in contravention of its own style guide. HonestReporting gets the correction.
C’est une nouvelle Victoire pour HonestReporting Française dans son combat pour une meilleure couverture médiatique
Après Enquête Exclusive il y a 3 semaines, c’est au tour de l’émission Quotidien présentée par
Un attentat au camion-bélier a eu lieu à Jérusalem plus tôt dans la journée. Le
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