Western Wall Confusion in the UK Press
Prince William’s visit to Jerusalem’s Old City sees some UK media erroneously refer to the Western Wall as the holiest site in Judaism.
Prince William’s visit to Jerusalem’s Old City sees some UK media erroneously refer to the Western Wall as the holiest site in Judaism.
The Times of London incorrectly refers to the Western Wall rather than the Temple Mount as “Judaism’s holiest site.” HonestReporting gets the correction.
Following a complaint from HonestReporting, the Associated Press issues a correction after erroneously referring to the Western Wall rather than the Temple Mount as Judaism’s holiest site.
Following HonestReporting’s complaints, has The Guardian finally acknowledged that the Temple Mount and not the Western Wall, is Judaism’s holiest site?
The Guardian’s Peter Beaumont erroneously refers to the Western Wall, rather than the Temple Mount, as Judaism’s holiest site, not once but three times.
A Washington Post fact-check of John Kerry’s speech erroneously calls the Western Wall Judaism’s holiest site. HonestReporting gets the correction.
The Independent responds to HonestReporting’s request to correct a photo caption that erroneously referred to the Western Wall as Judaism’s holiest site.
The Times of London incorrectly refers to the Western Wall as Judaism’s holiest site.
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