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Tel Aviv

Simon Plosker

Jerusalem Error Corrected in The Sunday Times

The Sunday Times Irish edition corrects the error after wrongly stating the Irish Foreign Minister met Israeli PM Netanyahu in Tel Aviv rather than its capital Jerusalem.

Pesach Benson

History Channel Flunks Jerusalem 101

UPDATE Following HonestReporting’s complaint, the History Channel has corrected the first part of its error,

News Critiques
Simon Plosker

HR Prompts Newsweek to Correct Tel Aviv Error

Following contact from HonestReporting, Newsweek issues a correction to an article that three times implied Tel Aviv was Israel’s capital city or center of political power.

Simon Plosker

Jerusalem is a “West Bank Town?”

Comedian Eddie Izzard performs in Tel Aviv, which the Daily Mail’s Mail Online refers to as the Israeli capital while also calling Jerusalem a “West Bank town.”

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