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Simon Plosker

Gaza Border Coverage: Shame on the Media

With the news that Hamas claim 50 of the Palestinians killed by the IDF at the Gaza border violence were their operatives, will the international media climb down from their knee-jerk assault on Israel?

Yarden Frankl

When Breaking News is Broken

Two Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists at the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. This fact should not be difficult to sum up in a headline.

Simon Plosker

BBC Bias in Gaza

The BBC’s Yolande Knell reports from Gaza, omitting vital context, while imbuing Israelis with a particular malevolence.

News Critiques

Distorted Imagery

HonestReporting takes a look at some of the images published on the Gaza situation.

Saluting Yassir

Arafat receives a glamorous send-off from the world media

UNRWA Worker Shot in Jenin

Israel has long complained that the UN allows Palestinian incitement and extremism to go unchecked in the refugee camps.

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