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HonestReporting Follow-Up: Tala Halawa, Who Tweeted ‘#HitlerWasRight’, Blames ‘Pro-Israel Mob’ For Dismissal

In May, a tweet by HonestReporting exposing then-BBC Monitoring journalist Tala Halawa as having previously shared deeply antisemitic sentiments on social media went viral. One of her tweets included the hashtag “#HitlerWasRight.” Tala Halawa is…

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In May, a tweet by HonestReporting exposing then-BBC Monitoring journalist Tala Halawa as having previously shared deeply antisemitic sentiments on social media went viral. One of her tweets included the hashtag “#HitlerWasRight.”

As a result, dozens of news outlets around the world covered the story, and the BBC thereafter announced that it had opened an investigation. This was followed a few weeks later by a statement that Halawa “no longer works for the BBC.”

Now, Halawa has responded on social media, blaming her dismissal on a “pro-Israel mob.”

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The statement, shared on Halawa’s Facebook and Twitter feeds, accuses the BBC of “capitulating to pressure from external pro-Israel interest groups and right-wing media outlets determined to eliminate Palestinians from public life.”

Instead of expressing regret and admitting that she had disseminated deeply antisemitic content on numerous occasions, Halawa characterized herself as merely “a young Palestinian woman tweeting in the heat of the moment” and falsely framed her firing as “based on a single offensive and ignorant tweet.”

In fact, numerous tweets were found on Halawa’s Twitter account, which has since been deleted and set up anew. The @GnasherJew Twitter account, which investigates and exposes Jew-haters, documented numerous examples of antisemitism by Halawa, including tweets mocking the Holocaust and the massacre of Jews during prayers in Jerusalem as well as a post calling for the relocation of Israel to within America.

Nevertheless, Halawa refused to acknowledge the full extent of her antisemitic posts, instead depicting her dismissal as arising from a “trend of bad-faith intimidation of reporters from the region by hostile actors and organised public flogging.”

Doubling down, Halawa claimed this was “aimed at setting the parameters of acceptable journalism to suit Israel, and policing international media to maintain institutional pro-Israel bias.”

Talawa’s rant was reported on by Newsweek, which specifically referenced HonestReporting, in addition to numerous other media outlets (see here, here and here, for example).

In response, HonestReporting’s Emanuel Miller (the author of this piece) reacted to Halawa’s statement by posting a thread on Twitter, which has since gone viral.

It should be stressed that at the time of its original complaint to the BBC, HonestReporting did not call for Halawa to be dismissed. Instead, we urged the BBC to apologize; carry out checks on existing employees in order to remove all individuals with histories of racism, xenophobia and antisemitism; and establish basic background checks to ensure this never happens again.

HonestReporting's original complaint to the BBC
HonestReporting’s original complaint to the BBC

However, Halawa’s lamentable response — essentially gaslighting Jews for protesting her obscene social media posts rather than her taking full responsibility — seemingly makes clear that her journalistic integrity is still comprised by her antisemitism.

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