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Tel Aviv attack

Yesterday, a 16-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber killed three Israeli civilians and wounded at least 40 in an outdoor Tel Aviv market. AFP addresses the outrage of the terrorist’s age, but note the bomber’s mother’s response:…

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Yesterday, a 16-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber killed three Israeli civilians and wounded at least 40 in an outdoor Tel Aviv market.

AFP addresses the outrage of the terrorist’s age, but note the bomber’s mother’s response:

Why didn’t they send someone older? We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the motherland, but my son was little, he was just a baby.

The New York Times had her statement slightly differently:

It’s immoral to send someone so young. They should have sent an adult who understands the meaning of his deeds.

So she doesn’t condemn the act… just the fact that her boy was used for it.
The IDF destroyed her home this morning.

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