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The Voice In the Wilderness

The BBC’s an unexpected lone voice in the wilderness, confirming what we already knew about the Palestinian prisoners’ plan: Palestinian minister Abdel Rahman Zeidan told the BBC the Hamas-Fatah document did not in any way…

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The BBC’s an unexpected lone voice in the wilderness, confirming what we already knew about the Palestinian prisoners’ plan:

Palestinian minister Abdel Rahman Zeidan told the BBC the Hamas-Fatah document did not in any way recognise the state of Israel.

“There is no agreement between the Palestinians on specifically this phrase. You will not find one word in the document clearly stating the recognition of Israel as a state. Nobody has agreed to this. This was not on the table. This was not in the dialogue,” he said.

Someone alert The Guardian. Clearly having trouble with those darn tea leaves, Chris McGreal today filed not one but two reports that Hamas finally recognizes Israel.

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