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Today’s recommended reading

* The Times of London had nice roundup of the personalities now trying to fill Sharon’s shoes, as well as a straightforward report on the hemorrhage’s likely cause. * WorldNetDaily reports that Palestinians plan to…

Reading time: < 1 minutes

* The Times of London had nice roundup of the personalities now trying to fill Sharon’s shoes, as well as a straightforward report on the hemorrhage’s likely cause.

* WorldNetDaily reports that Palestinians plan to celebrate Sharon’s possible death with a barrage of Qassam rockets at Israel:

“I am ready with my candies and my rockets and praying to Allah that Sharon dies. We have prepared a celebratory barrage of rockets ready to fire into Israel on the occasion of the death of our enemy,” said Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, an umbrella group of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists responsible for firing hundreds of Qassam rockets and mortars at Jewish towns.

* The LA Times profiled acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

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