Goldstone was just the beginning. Newsreal reports that a special rapporteur was appointed to investigate homelessness and foreclosures in the US.
Raquel Rolnik, a Brazilian urban planner and the UN’s choice for the task, will be investigating issues of concern to the UN vis-à-vis the United States, including public housing, homelessness and foreclosures. As part of her fact-finding mission, she will visit New York City, Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Washington, a South Dakota Indian reservation, and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. She will then compile a report on her findings, which will be submitted to the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council in March.
You'd think the slaughter in Darfur or Iranian repression would be a higher priority for a council billing itself as protecting human rights. When it comes to the disgracefully politicized UNHRC, Israel's the proverbial canary in the mine shaft.
(Hat tip: Gateway Pundit)