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News Critiques

Durban Revisited?

Will a UN “anti-racism” conference become another anti-Semitic and anti-Israel parley?

Must See TV

CNN produces an excellent documentary on Islamic extremism.

News Critiques

Bold Distortions and Outright Lies

A Reuters photo turns out to be an outright lie, manipulated to make damage in Beirut appear much worse than reality.

News Critiques

Gaza Beach Libel

Following Palestinian claims and the media reports of Israeli culpability in deaths on a Gaza beach, the real story emerges…

The Prisoners’ "Peace" Plan

The media refer to a plan in which Israel is recognized and violence eschewed. But does the plan really say that?

News Critiques

"Homemade" Rockets?

Qassam rockets are deadly instruments of terror

Deadly Toys

Sloppy journalism leaves many questions unanswered in tragic death of child.

AP’s ‘Circle Dance’

Associated Press reporter Sara El Deeb makes two dubious claims in one day.

Saluting Yassir

Arafat receives a glamorous send-off from the world media

News Critiques

Reuters Admits Appeasing Terrorists

Reuters' global managing editor acknowledges that Arab intimidation influences his agency's news coverage.

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