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The Guardian

Simon Plosker

Picking the Wrong Signpost

Is The Guardian’s photo choice a deliberate attempt to falsely imply that Arabic is absent from Israeli signs?

Simon Plosker

‘Busloads of Ukrainian Settlers’?

Writing in The Guardian, Sarah Helm fails to disclose the background of a Palestinian “cartographer” and falsely claims that busloads of Ukrainian immigrants are being whisked to West Bank settlements.

Daniel Pomerantz

‘Puff Piece’ Praises Extremist, Anti-Israel MK

The Guardian praises Israeli Member of Knesset Haneen Zoabi, who has built her political identity around proud and open support for terror, violence and anti-Semitism

Simon Plosker

Tel Aviv Error Spreads All Over

A Reuters report falsely implies that Tel Aviv is Israel’s center of power and government, an error republished by multiple media outlets.

Simon Plosker

Politicizing Israeli Wildfires

The Guardian and AFP are more concerned about the location of fires near Jewish settlements than the fires themselves.

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