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Vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2016

Now’s the time to vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2016. It’s our annual recognition of the year’s most skewed and biased coverage of Israel and the Mideast conflict. Make your voice heard and we’ll…

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Now’s the time to vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2016. It’s our annual recognition of the year’s most skewed and biased coverage of Israel and the Mideast conflict. Make your voice heard and we’ll announce the ignoble winners by the end of the year.

Vote for one reporter or news service, along with a brief reason for your choice. This year’s nominees — in no particular order — are:

reuters1. Luke Baker: The Reuters Jerusalem bureau chief and (then) head of the Foreign Press Association told a Knesset panel discussing news bias that media watchdogs like HonestReporting make government oversight unnecessary. Within days, Baker baselessly attacked HR.

2. Leila Hatoum: An editor at Newsweek Middle East, whose anti-Semitic tweets demonstrate that she’s not fit for her position.

3. Headline writers: Throughout the year, headline fails repeatedly twisted the stories of Palestinian stabbings, shootings, and car-ramming attacks.

4. AFP: For maliciously using World Press Freedom Day and International Women’s Day to bash Israel.

the-independent5. The Independent: While we secured plenty of corrections from The Independent, the sheer volume of negative stories demonstrated a near-obsession by the editors. One especially nasty story never amended spun a survey to claim “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing.”

We will also accept write-in nominations, so look over our archived media critiques, and Israel Daily News Stream posts.

Please send us your nomination by posting a comment below or on HonestReporting’s Facebook page, or by email at [email protected] Due to the volume of submission, we cannot acknowledge nominations.

For old times sake, check out last year’s winner and runners up.

Vote now!


Featured image: Vectors by Vecteezy.com



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