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Tarnished With a Brush of Walt, Mearsheimer

The House of Representatives recently passed a non-binding resolution recognizing Jewish refugees from Arab countries for the first time. So why is an eminently sensible and just issue tarnished by The Economist with the brush…

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Alexandria_synagogueThe House of Representatives recently passed a non-binding resolution recognizing Jewish refugees from Arab countries for the first time.

So why is an eminently sensible and just issue tarnished by The Economist with the brush of Walt and Mearsheimer?

But the fact that a resolution of doubtful value even to Israel’s government, let alone American foreign policy, passed with bipartisan support shows once more the power of the pro-Israel lobby in Washington. The lobby’s critics often complain that it represents not Israel but the Israeli right wing.

Why can’t The Economist admit that this expression — however symbolic and toothless — passed because the long-overdue recognition of Jewish refugees makes sense in and of itself?

Point of No Return also responds to The Economist.

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