Ahmed Yousef, an advisor to Ismail Haniyeh got op-ed space in the Washington Post to call on the West to recognize and engage the Hamas regime.
No need to fisk this. Yousef doesn’t talk about Hamas’ charter, the organization’s cozying up to Iran, the fact that foreign aid to the PA tripled despite the embargo, or the organization’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
But the Hamas apologist is on a hot streak; yesterday, Yousef had another commentary published in the NY Times and the International Herald-Tribune. The latter paper published him opposite David Makovsky.
UPDATE June 24: According to Reuters:
Both Fred Hiatt, the Post’s editorial page editor and David Shipley, the Times’ deputy editorial page editor, said they would not have carried the articles had they known of the other paper’s publishing plans.
Meanwhile, the Sacramento Bee, Salt Lake Tribune, and The Guardian gave Yousef a soapbox platform.