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HonestReporting’s Top Media Corrections – April-May 2023

HonestReporting works tirelessly to monitor the media and ensure factual errors get corrected. Here are our top corrections for April and May 2023, including CNN, BBC, The New York Times, Daily Mail, ABC Australia, Good…

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HonestReporting works tirelessly to monitor the media and ensure factual errors get corrected.

Here are our top corrections for April and May 2023, including CNN, BBC, The New York Times, Daily Mail, ABC Australia, Good Morning America, Voice of America, and United Press International:

Christiane Amanpour Claims That Three Members of the Dee Family Were Killed in a ‘Shootout’

CNN Miscaptions a Photo of the Dome of the Rock

The New York Times Misrepresents a Barrage of Rockets as a ‘Rocket Strike’

BBC Misidentifies Al-Aqsa Mosque

BBC Refers to a Senior Islamic Jihad Member as an ‘Activist’

ITV Claims That Three Members of the Dee Family Died After Being ‘Caught in Crossfire’

In correspondence with HonestReporting, the UK’s ITV News said:

We would like to apologize for the use of the phrase ‘caught in crossfire’. This phrase did not accurately reflect the circumstances surrounding thedeaths of Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina. The reporter is now aware that this phrase should not have been usedand he, and ITV News London, apologize for the language used, which was a human error during a live broadcast.

Journalist Daniel Henry also contacted HonestReporting via social media and apologized:

In my live report I made a mistake in the way I described what happened to the Dee family.

They were intentionally shot at – but I said they were caught in crossfire, which wasn’t accurate.

The mistake was not deliberate or malicious – but I know that inaccuracies in our coverage of tragedies like this can really hurt.

I appreciate the damage is already done – but please know that I am sorry I got that important detail wrong.

ABC Australia Refers to a Former Palestinian Militant as a ‘Freedom Fighter’

ABC News’s Good Morning America Claims That Nazareth Is in Palestine

Daily Mail Misreports That Israel Was Knocked Out of the Eurovision Finals

UPI Asserts That Israeli ‘Rocket Attacks’ Were Directed Against ‘Palestinian Settlements’

Voice of America Misidentifies the Location of Israeli Counter-Terrorism Raids

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Misidentifies the Western Wall as the ‘Holiest Site in Judaism’

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