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UN Passes FIVE Anti-Israel Resolutions

Today’s Top Stories 1.  UN Human Rights Council passed five Israel-bashing resolutions, including a call for an arms embargo on the Jewish state. This AP headline says it all: UN rights council scorecard: 5 Israel…

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Today’s Top Stories

1.  UN Human Rights Council passed five Israel-bashing resolutions, including a call for an arms embargo on the Jewish state. This AP headline says it all:

UN rights council scorecard: 5 Israel resolutions, Syria 2
 Israeli officials denounced the council as did US Ambassador Nikki Haley in this statement:
When the Human Rights Council treats Israel worse than North Korea, Iran, and Syria, it is the Council itself that is foolish and unworthy of its name.

More at the Jerusalem Post.

2.  An Israeli-bound Air India flight crossed Saudi skies for the first time. Reuters notes that other airlines may soon get similar flyover rights:

Israel’s Tourism Minister on Thursday called the maiden Air India flight a diplomatic achievement and said he has been in negotiations to open similar flights with Singapore Airlines and a carrier from the Philippines, which he did not name.
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3. Congress passed the Taylor Force Act as part of $1.3 trillion budget bill. The Act reduces aid to the PA as long as it continues providing stipends to imprisoned terrorists and the families of dead attackers, such as those who killed American veteran and West Point grad Taylor Force on his visit to Israel. The PA denounced the act’s passage. HR’s Daniel Pomerantz discussed the topic on i24 News:


Israel and the Palestinians

• Ahed Tamimi to serve eight months in prison as part of a plea deal. Tamimi’s mother and cousin also agreed to similar plea deals. Haaretz reports:

According to one source, the punishment in Ahed Tamimi’s case is not considered particularly lenient or particularly severe. The Israeli military felt the need to end the legal matter, the source said, as it damaged the army’s reputation in the media and internationally, which may be why the plea bargain was intensively promoted.

• The IDF confirmed carrying out Saturday night air strikes on Gaza after “four Palestinians attempted to cross the border fence between the Strip and Israeli territory and set fire to an engineering vehicle.”

 •PA unilaterally applies for membership in eight international treaties.

 •Palestinians to press a claim on the Dead Sea scrolls through UNESCO?
 •UN demands Israel compensate it for facilities damaged during 2014 Gaza war. Israel HaYom notes:
Israel has presented ample evidence that U.N. and UNRWA facilities were used by Hamas to hide weapons and launch rockets at Israel. The Secretariat, however, has made no attempt to demand similar restitution from the terrorist group that controls Gaza.
 Around the World
•Colombian Jewish anchor told to quit after refusing to cross herself on-air.
•Austria yanks diplomat in Israel for wearing Nazi-friendly T-shirt.
•Jeremy Corbyn is at it again, with ongoing accusations of anti-Semitism and more. Take your pick of The UK


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Featured image: CC BY-NC Kent Landerholm;

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