The NY Times’ Thomas Friedman has this to say about Ariel Sharon’s internal opposition:
Mr. Sharon, a man of the right, has finally realized the demographic threat posed by Gaza to Israel and wants to get out. He is being opposed by the Israeli far right – the Jewish Hezbollah. This includes settler rabbis who have urged soldiers to disobey orders and, with winks and nods, have let it be known that if someone were to eliminate Ariel Sharon he would be acting out God’s will.
Michael Dinowitz responds:
Now let me see if I understand this. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. They’ve attacked and killed innocent people. They’ve launched attacks into foreign countries. They’ve threatened even more attacks. They are terrorists.
Far right Jews are not terrorists. They are not dedicated to destroying anyone. They are not attacking other countries. They are not launching rockets or kidnapping people.
There is no connection between these two groups other than in Friedman’s libelous mind. Why did he make this comparison?
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