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Letter of the Month – November 2011

Quantity shouldn’t trump quality but this month’s winner of Letter of the Month managed to get not one, but two excellent letters into Canada’s Hamilton Spectator in quick succession. Steven Scheffer of Burlington, Ontario had…

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Quantity shouldn’t trump quality but this month’s winner of Letter of the Month managed to get not one, but two excellent letters into Canada’s Hamilton Spectator in quick succession.

Steven Scheffer of Burlington, Ontario had the first of his letters published on November 6:

The Islamist definition of peace states the entire world must be converted to Islam before everyone can live in harmony. When Hamas and the Palestinian Authority state their goal is to destroy Israel, when they proudly declare their hatred for Jews, when they defiantly proclaim all of Israel is Muslim territory and then vow never to allow even a single Jew to live there, does that sound like peace as we in the West define it?

The morally correct votes by Stephen Harper and Barack Obama on UNESCO reflect the support of Israel by the majority of Canadians and Americans. France, on the other hand, is dependent on Arab oil. It is influenced by a massive Muslim population and has seen a significant resurgence of the anti-Semitism that failed to die in 1945.

The letter writer’s attempt to compare Canada to France is as ridiculous as comparing Canada to any of the other countries that voted for Palestinian membership in UNESCO, most of which are Islamic, terror supporting, Third World or communist.

The Palestinians can join the YMCA for all I care, but it will not change who they are or to which definition of peace they are committed.

Steven’s second letter was published on November 14:

It is astonishing. The more Islamists admit their hatred for Jews, the more their apologists berate anyone who points this out. Yet to not understand this is to not understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The only distinction between the goals and policies of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is that the former continues to stockpile tens of thousands of rockets and aims them at Israeli civilians because there is no longer an Israeli presence in Gaza to prevent it.

There is nothing insulting in pointing out the majority of states voting for Palestine’s admission to UNESCO are states with anti-Western values, anti-Semitic histories, anti-Zionist policies and/or a dependence on Arab oil. The only thing offensive in this discussion is the unwillingness of so many to admit that Islamist intolerance is threatening millions of Jews and Christians in the Middle East alone.

Steven can look forward to receiving something special from HonestReporting in the mail very soon for his efforts.


Remember to keep writing those letters and let us know if you are published!

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