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Looking Back: 10 Years of Fighting Media Bias

We're getting close to HonestReporting's 10th anniversary, so Yarden Frankl and I discussed some of the biggest cases of media bias — and their impact — over the past decade. We look back on the…

Reading time: < 1 minutes

We're getting close to HonestReporting's 10th anniversary, so Yarden Frankl and I discussed some of the biggest cases of media bias — and their impact — over the past decade.

We look back on the big ones: Mohammed al-Dura, Jeningrad, Lebanon War fauxtography, the Swedish blood libel, and of course, Tuvia Grossman and The Photo That Started It All.

Speaking of Tuvia, watch this space for a special video with new info about the incident that helped launch HonestReporting.

Click below on YouTube to watch or on Podbean to listen, then share your thoughts in the comments section.


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