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Media Blackout: Hamas’ Israeli Hostages (VIDEO)

September 7, 2020, marks the sixth anniversary of when Avera Mengistu was taken captive by Hamas. A year later, the Palestinian terror group also took hostage Hisham al-Sayed.

Both Israelis suffer from mental illness and crossed into the Gaza Strip on their own volition.

Since then, neither has had access to medical treatment or been afforded the privileges guaranteed by international law.

Notably, Hamas is also refusing to return to Israel the remains of two IDF soldiers who were killed in Gaza during the 2014 war.

Kidnapping innocent civilians is an egregious human rights violation. Yet, even with all the recent media coverage about the weeks-long confrontation between the IDF and Hamas, there has been little, if any, attention paid to the captives’ plight.

Read more here.

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