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Newsweek’s Capital Offense

UPDATE Following correspondence with Newsweek editors, the following correction appears at the end of the article:     Another day, another example of the media incorrectly implying that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital. This time…

Reading time: 2 minutes


Following correspondence with Newsweek editors, the following correction appears at the end of the article:



Another day, another example of the media incorrectly implying that Tel Aviv is Israel’s capital. This time in a Newsweek report on a peculiar story that ISIS terrorists “apologized” to Israel for opening fire on IDF troops along the Syrian border.



Of course, Jerusalem is Israel’s capital where governmental and state decision-making takes place. Whether one recognizes Jerusalem as the capital or not, one thing is clear – Tel Aviv is not Israel’s capital.

We’ve contacted Newsweek to ask for a correction. Watch this space.

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